
What is Hybris - SAP Commerce?

Hybris, SAP Commerce

Hybris is an e-commerce platform that was originally developed by a company called Hybris AG, which was later acquired by SAP in 2013. The platform is now known as SAP Commerce, but is still commonly referred to as Hybris.


SAP Commerce/Hybris is a robust e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of features to help businesses sell their products online. Some of the key features of the platform include:

  • Product management: SAP Commerce/Hybris makes it easy to manage product catalogs and inventory levels, as well as create and manage product promotions.

  • Order management: The platform provides tools to manage the entire order process, from order creation to fulfillment and delivery.

  • Customer management: SAP Commerce/Hybris allows businesses to manage customer profiles and preferences, as well as provide personalized experiences based on customer data.

  • Marketing and personalization: The platform includes tools to create targeted marketing campaigns and personalized experiences for customers.

  • Multi-channel support: SAP Commerce/Hybris supports multiple channels, including web, mobile, and in-store, allowing businesses to reach customers wherever they are.


SAP Commerce/Hybris is based on a modular, service-oriented architecture that allows businesses to customize and extend the platform to meet their specific needs. The platform includes a core set of services and modules that provide basic e-commerce functionality, as well as a wide range of add-on modules and extensions that can be used to add new features and functionality.

The platform is built using the Java programming language and is designed to run on a variety of operating systems and application servers.


SAP Commerce/Hybris can integrate with a wide range of third-party systems and applications, including payment gateways, shipping providers, and ERP systems. The platform also provides APIs and web services that allow businesses to integrate with custom applications and systems.


SAP Commerce/Hybris is a powerful e-commerce platform that provides a wide range of features and functionality to help businesses sell their products online. With its modular architecture and support for integrations, the platform can be customized and extended to meet the specific needs of any business.

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